Thursday, November 20, 2008

interested in college

John Fife
Mrs. Sutter
Eng 4/P-3
Nov. 20, 2008
College Options
College is a huge step in many peoples lives. A good education is what every parent wants for their children. Unfortunately many of the teens leaving high school are ready to call it quits for school. So how do you get these teens to want to go?
College Options is a program to make collage interesting for teens leaving high school. It is designed to take a view of a growing teens life and help them see how important to their future a good education is. Before College Options there were only a few companies in California that offered help to teens. Previously most teens didn't apply to college due to the fact that they don't know how to fill out all of the applications, apply for scholarships, or even get their current transcript sent to their colleges of choice. This program is important to all teens because it shows them a better future and how to reach it.
There is a higher percentage of high school graduates in Shasta county than in the whole state of California. As of 2007 the percentages are: Shasta = 88.3% graduated, California = 80.2% graduated. College Options is the turning point in Shasta county's education. In the first few years of business Shasta county's high school grad percentage saw a 33% increase in numbers. The college grad percentages are: Shasta 18.8% graduated, California 29.5% graduated.
This is because the employees at College Options have the foresight to actually care about the future of all teens, thus affecting the future of our country. They take the time to sit down with students individually to discuss their education and plan ahead.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Friars tale mentioning

In the movie "A Knights Tale" the short story "Friar's Tale" is referred to when the Harold looses his cloths again to gambling… the guys who bet with him are summoners who claim to be “holy men”. They go around collecting payments by using ones sins/addictions against them.