Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bail Out

No, the government should not bail these men out because doing so would put the US $700 Billion more into debt. Doing this would raise taxes on all US citizens. This would cause the stock market to drop once again and continue sinking to the debt is paided off.
On the other hand it could increase consumer confidence and make the market bounce back, which is good for everyone in the long run. However, it sets up a false sense of security and it doesn't teach anyone anything about being in debt and being a responsible consumer.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Age limit

Many studies have shown that more and more underage drinking is occurring. This has happened mostly in collages during student parties. The students have been performing a binge drinking ritual, or drink til you drop.
Often these drinking parties involve students who are below the legal drinking age of 21. These are the ones who are easily influenced to have another and another. Students have been known to get alcohol poisioning and even do irreversable damage to their system. On a few rare occasions binge drinking has resulted in death. Even with all these issues and dangers, the ritual continues and claims more students each year.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blood and oil

Since the beginning of the fuel depression there have been many attempts to conserve as much as we possibly can. I think people are driving less and trying to consume less fuel wherever possible.
If we had a better transit system, people would probably use it more. People are carpooling and making less out of town trips. My parents recently went on a trip to Seattle. It was cheaper for them to fly from Redding to San Francisco and on to Seattle then it was for them to drive there and back.
I think we need to tap into some of the United State's resources off the Atlantic Coast and in Alaska. That way we have our own petroleum resources and we don't have to so heavily on outside countries to supply us. On the other hand, I think we need to come up with an alternative fuel source for automobiles. The new hybrid cars are just one example of what can be invented to combat the necessity for fuel.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Big Bang"

Scientists should not continue with the LHC project. Today scientists have successfully made the first test run of their machine. This machine is designed to force two atoms into a collision at the speed of light. In doing this they could potentially create the destruction of the Earth by creating a black hole by accident. This threat to our existence is all so we can find out if there is black matter. It is not worth the risk to learn of something so insignificant.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sir Agravaine

This was one of the many knights of the great King Arthur's round table. He had been nick-named "Agravain of the Hard Hand" by one of the other knights. Sir Agravaine was not only a powerful and fearless knight he also happened to be the nephew of King Arthur. He was a Strong and handsome knight but lacked in loyalty. In modern Arthurian he was titled "the killer of his mother", a drunken bloodthirsty coward, intelligent but unsympathetic. Sir Agravaine was the knight who exposed his own aunt, Guinevere, and the most trusted knight, Lancelot, in the affair they were having.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


My great grandfather influenced my life in many ways. His name was Daniel Price. In my eyes he was exactly what most people look for in a hero. He was kind, funny, and caring. My grandfather was a very wise preacher for many years, and many looked to him for advice. I personally remember him as the man who looked after me everyday after school, played guitar and sing with me, and told me to "get the stoppers out of my eyes" whenever he beat me in a game of connect four, which happened quite often. Most of all he showed me what unconditional love feels like.

Another hero in my life is Coach Greg Grandell. He works two jobs and manages to spend two-thirds of his life coaching the football team. He's there at every practice and game, film on Sundays and whenever I need him. He has been there for me for personal advice when I needed help making decisions or just to lift my spirits and make me feel good about myself. At times a kind word from him has given me confidence I didn't know I could muster. As a coach he always expects our best. He pushes us to limits we didn't know we had and makes us better than we ever thought possible. I appreciate all his effort and his ability to council.

Another hero in my life is Alex Woodman. I admire Mr. Woodman because he makes learning "interesting." He challenges rules and boundaries rather than just be content with what life gives him. He makes me laugh in class during a difficult subject, Calculus. He always has odd quotes and things to make you go "hmmmm....." While effectively teaching a tough subject, he makes it fun, memorable and meaningful.