Thursday, December 18, 2008
I have never had to experience the unfortunate loss of one or both of my parent through death or divorce. Although I have had Friends with stepparents. In my outside view of the experience a stepparent can be awesome and fill the gap of not having a real parent there.
Although step parenting can be fun, it does have its problems. Depending on when a stepparent is introduced into a child's life, there maybe more problems. Children have much difficulty adjusting to a new parent in the household. Younger children though tend to have an easier time accepting the change and moving on in life. Most likely the hardest age group to approve of this intrusion are, of course, teens.
Step parenting does have its perks though. It is a way enter into some one's life and directly affect it. Although it maybe difficult to deal with at first be a stepparent can be great. And if your good at it can greatly improve your statues in marriage.
"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thinker or doer?
I am a thinker in the sense that I like to sit back and view the situation. I try to see problems from an outside perspective. I believe it is always good to think before you act. Although there isn't always the luxury of time for that.
I am a doer in the sense that in several cases I will act out of instinct rather than take the time to review. This is a very useful attribute if your careful. In most cases if you sit and think to long, you will ether talk yourself out of the action or you will change vital decisions that you had a great impulse about.
Monday, December 15, 2008
To what extent should parrents spy on their kids?
Many kids, even at a young age, protect and appreciate a little privacy once in awhile. Many times they go through a time in their lives when they will simply and suddenly withdraw from their parents and change the attitude they show towards parents. The most likely cause of this time period is due to stress at school from teachers and peers. This is when parents need to be forthcoming to their kids and NOT try to go in secret to discover the change.
People need to display restraint when it comes to the power they wield. Yes, they should look into their children's lives; but at the same time, they should try talking to the child first. With technology as advanced as it is today, people can find out anything they want about their child.
Parents have the ability to infiltrate their child's lives and secrets, but at what cost? Kids aren't stupid and in most cases the trust level that they have goes down. So parents need to try to talk to their children before reverting to a privacy invasion.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Can a maxed-out nation find true riches?
The recession not only puts people in a money crunch, but huge corporations are also going out of business. The chain reaction from that aspect of the recession has not hit us yet, but it will. If Big Three car companies were to fold, the shock waves will be felt around the world. Car dealerships going under first, more people out of a job, followed by a sharply rising cost in automobiles and maintenance, and a chain reaction all the way to our pocketbooks.
I agree with Goodman that all people need to stop spending all their money and need to instead start to save it. By saving their money and putting it in banks, people will rise the value of the US dollar. Doing this will stimulate our economy more than the government handing out money for people to spend.
Since this recession has started, my family has backed off from our spending by a fair amount. We are keeping a close watch on our spending budget. We are also trying to save up as money as possible lately.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hamlet Act 1, Scene iii
There is some very good advice given to Laertes in this section. Polonius is trying to point his son down the "right path" with this advice so that Laertes will know right from wrong and become a better man. Most of what is said is directed to build off his son's character.
Advise with similar meaning is duely given to many growing boys around the world still today. My parents are the ones who distributed this knowledge to my brother and me. I, personaly, have found this guidance to steer true and be very helpful.
There are numerous times i have used these lessons in my lifetime. One of them has been extra contributive, "Beware of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, give every man thy ear, but few thy voice." An example of one occation is when my brother and i fight. These "rules of life" have taught me to walk away and talk it out later after we have cooled down.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
interested in college
Mrs. Sutter
Eng 4/P-3
Nov. 20, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Friars tale mentioning
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Gawain and the Green Knight
Gawain had to face his fears in the Abyss. He was afraid of fighting the Green Knight. Had he not accepted the green girdle from the Green Knight's wife he would not have been struck by the Green Knight's axe.
From his encounter with the Green Knight, Gawain learns that he is not as brave as he thought he was, but he needs to be true to his word in all aspects of life.
The Brotherhood of the Round Table benefits from Gawain's journey because they have another story of bravery and survival by a knight to add to their mystic.
Especially during election times, the democrats and republicans never seem to want to agree on anything. How does anything ever get done in Washington? Every time the President has a good idea for getting us out of this or that situation, the Congress votes it down or has to tack on some unrelated issue that they want passed too. Everytime the majority of the House wants to solve an issue with legislation, the President vetoes it because it doesn't fit into his agenda. They all seem to be working against each other.
I think Zakaria is trying to say "no one wants to work together" in the nicest possible way. He makes jokes and alludes to visual images that ties into problem solving. The only thing Zakaria doesn't seem to understand is that our government will probably never work it out. They'll always be pitted against eachother, but eternally bound for better or for worse.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Bail Out
Friday, September 12, 2008
Age limit
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Blood and oil
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"Big Bang"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sir Agravaine

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another hero in my life is Alex Woodman. I admire Mr. Woodman because he makes learning "interesting." He challenges rules and boundaries rather than just be content with what life gives him. He makes me laugh in class during a difficult subject, Calculus. He always has odd quotes and things to make you go "hmmmm....." While effectively teaching a tough subject, he makes it fun, memorable and meaningful.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008